Sunday 14 February 2010


Wednesday afternoon at around lunch time I'm told I'm off to Zurich on the 6am flight with Marie and Tony the cameraman to film a Swiss magician. So this is TV.

The man lived in a cube shaped concrete block with air humidifiers and orchids scattered all over the 6th floor and on the 2nd floor a 99 seat theatre with industrial hydraulics equipment hidden away back-stage down. I guess that's how he flies.

We filmed him there and then we filmed him in a beauty salon in Zurich city centre, managed by Melanie, a Swiss French girl who instantly offered me a seat, a glass of wine and an invitation to join her and friends later that night. I couldn't refuse the first 2 and had to go back to work before I could cement the third.

It took a few takes to get the magic trick on film properly. Like maybe a dozen or 15 takes or so... He waves his hand over the hand of a girl (an extra, or what's known as a 'stooge' in the magic business), and the colour of her nails magically changes from natural to bright red or blue or whatever. Quite a trick, until you know how it's done. Then it's not so impressive.

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