Friday, 23 April 2010

Me and my new baby, Bebe

I read somewhere that cycling London reconnects you with the seasons.

Purchasing a bike has coincided with an incredible stretch of unbroken sunshine and I guess I've been spoilt on the ride to and from work so far. Not hot enough to work up a heavy sweat, not cold enough to chill the hands. Broad, blue skies that weren't even interrupted by planes, for a while. I've watched the blossom bloom and crisp and darken, and the new leaves come through. 8 little goslings at the Gunnersbury Park pond are growing up fast. I see people going about their daily business, whereas before I just stared out across train tracks on my commute. I arrive at the office and my legs feel like iron and the first thing I want is a glass of water.

I've started planning trips to trails, I've seen notices for group rides at the weekend, I've started watching youtube clips for bike maintenance and to better understand disc brakes, I've made a shopping list of cycle parts I need, looked about for cycling apps, started thinking of London in my head rather than on a map of messy, bright tube lines, started thinking of it a little more like home.

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