Wednesday, 6 October 2010

A good year for apples, Sheep on Cleeve Hill, Dog hair basket


  1. Hi Guy!
    I have been so distant from is a bit hard getting back into it. I guess with have a more regular life (teaching) in a fairly familiar environment (english speaking nz) I am less inspired to post anything. Maybe this will be a push for me to be more inspired in my daily routine.
    How are things with you? I've looked around your photos and blog but can't piece together what you are up to. Hope you are well,

  2. Hi Jenn!
    I know the feeling- I've been trying to get back into it afte having slipped out of the habit for similar reasons.
    Things are pretty good here. Back in London, living in a nice area, looking to start teacher training for primary school from next september. That's about it.
    Are you guys settled in nz then? Jealous- would love to get down there sometime!
