Thursday, 30 October 2008

Shorts: Direction

I got a new watch for my birthday last year. Well, I say new. It was from a mate who later told me he got it from a mate whose girlfriend works in the liquidation business. She's comes into a lot of electrical products and freely distributes them for knock-off prices to her friends, although they're not always brand new. That and my last birthday was actually last December, so I suppose when you take the two together, it's not such a new ole' watch after all.

One of the kids was twisting my wrist or playing with my watch and when I looked down, I noticed he'd accessed some new screen I'd never seen before. I forgot to mention, it's a digital watch. The new screen showed a compass and displayed at any point which direction I was facing. Then it would fix that direction if you stayed still a second or two, and you'd have to enact a sequence of complex button pushes to return to a fresh compass.

Ever since I've been obsessed with it. I've been checking my direction everywhere. Which way I'm heading on the train. Which way my apartment faces, which way the school faces, which direction I'm headed as I walk along.

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