Thursday, 27 August 2009

How my geta finally bit it

Sometime just before Las Vegas on the road, my geta bit it. They're wooden sandals, summer festival garb for people in Japan but I wore them a lot, mostly because I like the clip clop clip sound they make as you walk.

The soles wore down from a chunky 1 and a half inch to slivers at the heel, cutting me down to my rightful size at the same time. Back to being a sub-six-footer again.

I clashed the toe against rocks and curbs here and there and towards the end, this removed great thick pieces. In fact wherever I went the soles shed splinters, once the flimsy thin rubber soling had flaked off.

All the way from Japan, up the Californian coast, across to Montana and down to Las Vegas there are coarse carpets, sidewalks and rugs, floor-mats and door-mats and old creaky wood floors bearing the sign of my passage, a scattering of splinters. Now if I can just make it back to Vegas, there's a splinter trail all the way back to Japan..


  1. Do you have a picture of yourself wearing the geta sandals in better times?
    annemarie (from Holland)
