Thursday, 18 January 2007

Today was shite

for reasons innumerable and I don't have the energy to write.

So, instead, just an honorary mention to Ben, who has the same shirt as Noel Edmonds (I'm laughing as I'm writing this ladies and gents), and who tried, but failed, to be the first to post a comment on this blog. Benny, you perk me up old chummer.


  1. Ah. You heard about the shirt too then..

    Champ you're a cunt. Now that that's out here in the public domain it settles it once and for all. For the record, let it be known that my shirt is very fine. The kind of shirt (albeit flowery) that only distinguished gents like myself (and Noel, naturally) have the sartorial insight and male elegance to roll with.

    Sorry to hear yesterday was shite, Guy. Can't claim things are any better this end so keep these daily yarns coming. Tales of misunderstood snowmen and secret poo have been a source of relief from the satanic clutches of the database!

  2. don't know why your all fussing about toothpaste. we had a toilet roll crisis last night - champ was treatening to use his boxers again.

    luckily, i didn't need a poo.
